Consigli Ruggerio Funeral Home

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Robert L. Smith, 79,

Robert L. Smith, 79, of Holliston, passed away January 4, 2016 the Blaire House of Milford. He was the husband of Ruth A. (Griffin) Smith for 54 years. He was born in Millis, son of the late Vernon and Blanche (Ross) Smith and moved to Holliston in 1985. He was a graduate of Wilmington High School class of 1955. Mr. Smith retired in 1985 from the Raytheon Corporation where he was employed as an engineer. Mr. Smith ran the Boston Marathon two times. He was a life member of the Framingham Track Club, a member of the Longfellow Heatlh Club in Wayland and an avid hiker.                   In addition to his wife he is survived by four brothers, Donald Smith, Roger Smith and Clifford Smith all of NH, Kenneth Smith of Westborough, one sister Dorothy Bradley of NC, three grandchildren, Michael Smith, Joseph Smith and Tiffany Smith.    He was predeceased by his son Mark Smith.
There are no calling hours. The burial will be at the convenience of the family.
Arrangements are under the direction of the Consigli-Ruggerio Funeral Home 46 Water St. Milford MA.  

Guest Book

Robert and I would go out to Breakfast for each others birthdays.We would sit their and talk about old times. I am glad I was able to go with him to a foot ball game at Gillette stadium. The only time I saw him play football in high school he broke his nose. He was as good a brother as you would ever want.He was a great runner. I love you Robert forever and ever Clifford
Clifford Smith

My heartfelt sympathy goes out to the Smith family, to Aunt Ruth, and to Uncle Bob's grandchildren. He possessed such a strong 'life force,' evident in his strong, firm handshake, his enthusiastic attitude, his passion for personal fitness, and his constant encouragement to others to be the best that they could be. He has been, and continues to be a role model and inspiring force in my life -- God bless you, Uncle Bob!
Steve Bradley

My heart goes out to Uncle Bob's grandkids, Aunt Ruth and the rest of the family. I have such fond memories of his visits to Virginia and our family vacations to Massachusetts to see our relatives there. He made sure there was never a shortage of laughter. I really enjoyed his last trip to Virginia when we had dinner at the Chart House and he ordered a huge piece of chocolate cake! He even came to watch our indoor soccer game! Another fun time was when I flew to Boston on business and got to take Mom with me. Uncle Bob took us to a wonderful place for dinner....but not without that great big chocolate dessert!!! I guess that's my excuse - it runs in the family! Thank you, Uncle Bob, for all your hugs and smiles and support through the years. I am relieved that you are no longer in pain, but I will miss you. Love, Janie
Janie (Bradley) Gallant

Not seeing Bob in the Longfellow swimming pool and hot tub will change the nature of Longfellow's camaraderie, and I will miss our banter. Bob was gracious enough to take me out on a trail run to teach me the paths of Mount Misery. Well, sure enough. The name was appropriate. I tripped over a root and banged up my knee pretty badly. Bob was philosophical, ended his run early to drive me back to Longfellow and gave me ice for my knee. He was that kind of quiet, supportive person. My sincere sympathy and condolences to Ruth and Bob's entire family. We will miss his optimism and quiet ways.
Anne Morrill

On behalf of the entire staff and the Longfellow community, we extend our deepest sympathy to Ruth and the entire family. Bob represented everything we could ask for as a "perfect" member & friend & to SO many over the years. He was loyal, humble & kind to everyone he came in contact with. We miss Bob every day at the club. Jane Polley
Jane Polley

Dear Robert, I am sorry I didn't get a chance to say good-bye to you, but am relieved that you are pain free now. I am proud of all the races you were in, and I am sure you are still running up in Heaven. One memory I have of you -- your love for bread pudding that Mama used to make (I think you ate most of it!). Love, Your Sister, Dot
Dorothy (Smith) Bradley

Bob was a beloved member of the Longfellow community, and he is already missed by so many. I enjoyed hearing about his local haunts from his running days, and will think of him when I am hiking some of the local trails we both enjoyed. I'll miss his easy laughter and good nature. My thoughts are with his loved ones; may he always be with you in spirit. Cheers to Bob ~
Katie Lueders

My love of garlic and firm hand shakes and also firm hugs I get from Uncle Bob! As a child, he always made me laugh and he always was genuinely interested in what we were interested in! I always looked forward to his visits to Virginia! As an adult, I remember his firm, almost spine crushing hugs he gave! He was a great runner and inspiration to me to keep active! I was so fortunate to speak with him on New Years Day and I mentioned to him I was riding my bike to and from work everyday, and he said to me, "keep it up and do better than I did"! So, that's a tall order and I will do my best to do just that! My love goes out to Ruth and his grandchildren, siblings, and all his many friends at the gym! I will miss you Uncle Bob, but you will always be in my thoughts and prayers! Love you! Nancy(Bradley) and Tim Reedy
Nancy Reedy

All of us from Longfellow Health Club will miss Bob.
John Carr

I have fond memories of Uncle Bob, a gregarious man with a wonderful sense of humor, firm hugs, and a love for garlic! :) To Ruth, his grandkids, siblings and his family at the gym (whom he spoke of fondly), my thoughts and prayers are with you.
Linda (Bradley) Collier

Uncle Bob was full of life and an inspiration to us runner "wanna-be's". He always had a smile and a kind word. And, I've never seen anyone who could eat as much dessert as he could after a meal and stay so thin. He will be missed. Thoughts and prayers to his familly.
Carol Bradley Isaac

Thoughts and prayers to the Smith family! We have fond memories of Bob from the time we were little kids! We always loved his funny personality and his zest for life! R.I. P. Uncle Bob
Scott and Leslie Bradley

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Consigli Ruggerio Funeral Home
46 Water Street
Milford, MA 01757
Telephone: 508-473-0513
Tollfree: 800-675-0513
Fax: 508-634-3662

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